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Public Building Commission Minutes 5/13/15
South Windsor Public Building Commission
Minutes – Regular Meeting – May 13, 2015

A regular meeting of the Public Building Commission was held on May 13, 2015 in Room 106 at Ellsworth School, 1737 Main Street.  The following people were in attendance:

Members Present:  Howard (Hap) Fitts, Carol Kelley, Jim Neary, Charley Lyons, and Matthew Montana

Also Present: SWPS Representatives, Dr. Kate Carter & Patrick Hankard, Colliers Representatives Marc Sklenka & Chuck Warrington, Drummey Rosanne Representative Jim Barrett, & Scot Woodin, and Gilbane Representative Karie Kratz.

Chairman Fitts called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.


On a motion made by Mr. Neary seconded by Mr. Lyons the minutes of the April 8, 2015 Public Building Commission meetings were approved.  Motion passed unanimously.

REVIEW CORRESPONDENCE/COMMUNICATIONS AND COMMENTS FROM THE PUBLIC:  Mr. Neary provided the commission with a letter addressed to the Town Manager from Attorney Cheverie dated May 13, 2015 regarding Project Labor Agreements.  

Mr. Dickinson approached the commission to inquire whether there would be a covered location for bike racks in the plan and requested that the commission consider a 10-foot bike path within the plan.  Mr. Fitts noted that Mr. Dickinson should bring the matter up with the school district.  


OPM Report:  Mr. Warrington advised the commission that Strategic Building Solutions was acquired by Colliers International.  He advised that the staff and services that have been provided to work with the PBC on this project will not change as a result of the acquisition.

Mr. Warrington provided an update to the commission on the progress of the project since the last meeting.  He noted that Colliers and DRA provided the board of education with an update on the project at its April 28 meeting which included material samplings as well as visual renderings.  On May 5 a meeting was held with representatives from the design team, school administration and police and fire to discuss security for the new building and on May 6 that information was presented at a special board meeting, in executive session, including board and PBC members, security officials and members of the design team.

Design Development Update by DRA:  Mr. Barrett provided the commission with the permitting schedule and reviewed upcoming important dates with respect to permitting the project.

Approval for OPM/Board of Education to advertise for third party code review:  Mr. Warrington advised the commission that Colliers was seeking approval to advertise a bid for a third party code review.  He explained that this review is required per CGS 10-292 and is typically done through the Office of School Facilities at the State of Connecticut, however, given the slow turnaround time at the state, districts often go out to bid for these services.  He advised that this review was budgeted for in the amount of $15,000 and that he expects it may run as much as $17,000 - $20,000.  Mr. Warrington cautioned the commission that if they did not proceed with an independent third party code review, they could be faced with unknown delays in the approval of the project.  He also advised that Chris Dougan, Chief Building Official, supports this action. In order to allow the commission additional time to review the request, he indicated that he would be seeking their approval at the next PBC meeting.  In addition he reviewed the ED042 Request for Review of Final Plans noting that this submission would be signed by the Hap Fitts and Dr. Carter (on behalf of the Board.)   


Approval of Invoices

A motion was made by Mr. Neary, seconded by Mrs. Kelley to approve the following invoices as presented:
  • Invoice#6 from Drummey Rosanne Anderson in the amount of $172,828.29 representing professional services from April 1, 2015 to April 30, 2015
  • Invoice#13911 from Strategic Building Solutions in the amount of $6,868 representing professional services from March 30, 2015 to April 30, 2015.  
There being no other business being brought before the commission, the meeting was adjourned at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Ann Walsh